
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

19 Weeks

19 weeks. Whew! It's going by so fast. One week from today, we have the anatomy scan. Most importantly, to make sure our baby is healthy and of course to find out the gender :) Woohoo! With Brady, every day waiting to find out was torture! This time, not so much. I don't know what the difference is, but I'm enjoying it. Those that know me, must think I've gone crazy!

I just knew Brady was a boy. I had several dreams, knew when I saw him on the ultrasounds, and just had that feeling. With this pregnancy, it's been very different. I've had one dream that it's a girl. That's it. I think and plan mostly for girl names and a girl nursery. But I think that's because I'm so indecisive on girl stuff. The boy stuff is so easy for me. Anyways, we'll see! I guess I predict girl, but I wouldn't put money on it ;) I said I wanted a boy this pregnancy, Eric wants a girl. Obviously, we're excited either way. We love our boy and have tons of boy stuff so that would just be easy :)

I can feel the baby moving. It started around 16 or 17 weeks and is strong now. It snuck up on me! I love every little squirm and wiggle :) We're looking at furniture this weekend. I know that I want white furniture no matter what. Once we know the gender, it's really time to get busy. We've got names, bedding, etc all picked for both. I've been a Pinterest addict lately!

I've gained 10 lbs so far and I'm pretty happy with it. Mostly because of my road trip and time in St. Louis. And Brady's 2 birthday parties! But everything I've read says 10-11 lbs is normal at 20 weeks. I have no idea what I gained with Brady at this point, but I know it was more! Haha Just paying attention is helping a lot this time. I walk on my treadmill 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Once we get a TV in there I'm sure I will do more. Even with Pandora, it's a little boring!

Brady knows there's a baby in my belly. He points to my belly and says with excitement, “baby!” But he's a little confused.. he pointed to Eric's belly and said the same thing. Haha!! 

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