
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Friday, August 17, 2012


It sure felt like D Day on Thursday when Brady weighed in at the doctors. I was just so nervous that his doctor would want to start him on some sort of supplement or fortify his milk. I don't even know if they do that for 1 year olds, but it would be my luck! Brady weighed 21 lbs 4 oz (still 32.5 in tall). Which is 10 oz up from where he was exactly 1 month ago. It isn't where he 'needs' to be, but it is getting him back on track to be there. I probably had my hopes set too high because at first I was disappointed with that weight. But how much weight (healthy weight) can a baby gain in one month? He only gained 4 oz from 9 months to 12, so 10 oz in one month is MUCH better! Dr. Haney was happy with the gain and that his appetite has been strong. She doesn't need to see him again until the normal 15 month check up. Yay!

About 2 weeks ago, ECI called us about setting up an appointment. They asked a bunch of questions, and based on his developments, they didn't need to see him yet. Since he did start pulling up to standing and walking holding onto the couches and tables (he's even started scaling the walls :). He's back on track. If he's not walking by 14 months, which is another 2 weeks from now, we will call them back and discuss again. Brady gets very content with what he's doing at the time, and doesn't worry about what's next for a while. When I hold his hands and he walks, I can tell he is BARELY using my support. I am sure he could stand on his own, but he just doesn't want to yet. If I let go, he sits down. Such a stinker! I know he will walk when he's good and ready.

Brady's 4th molar is starting to come through. I'm glad they're all coming in quickly because I am ready for that crap to be O V E R. I think he's slept through the night once in the last 2 weeks. He just needs teething tablets and a little comfort to go right back to sleep, but Eric and I are beat! Eric has been so good about helping me and I'm going to give him a break this weekend. The teething pain seems to only torture us at night, so during the days Brady is as happy as ever. He laughs at everything! Which most of the time makes us laugh. Once in a while.. it's embarrassing. For instance, at Costco, Brady started laughing at a kid that was crying. The kid wasn't hurt, just mad he didn't get what he wanted. But OMG! We ducked down an isle so fast! Then at Kroger, Brady laughed at a rather large man wearing overalls with a long beard. I'll admit he was silly looking. After we make a get away, Eric and I get a good laugh too :)

Eric and I have both been doing so good with exercise. It makes such a difference. He's been going to the gym and I've been doing my Jillian DVDs. I think Eric was surprised just how difficult they are when he did some with me. They are only 25 min long, but even Eric was red and dripping sweat after. I have enough time during Brady's nap to exercise, shower, and clean up a bit around the house. Perfect! Any longer and I'd find a way out of it ;) We have so much motivation with all that we have coming up in the next few months. In September, Brady and I will be in St. Louis for a week. October is our Florida vacation and family pictures. The Marine Corps Ball is in November (I've already ordered my dress!) With birthdays and holidays, we have a very busy rest of the year! So blessed!

                Giving Sugar her birthday kiss :) Our sweet girl is 4 today!