
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nothin but a Fairytale

Lately, I've had a lot on my mind about marriage. I've got a few friends and friends of friends going through hard times in their marriages, possibly facing divorce. Every marriage goes through highs and lows, but these are some of the lowest lows. Hearing about other husbands lying, cheating, never coming home (plenty of wives are guilty too) makes me incredibly grateful for my husband and the strength in our relationship. But it isn't just luck. We put a lot of hard work into our marriage and it surely isn't perfect. We've said hateful things to each other when we are low on patience, but we are quick to take them back and apologize. When we screw up, we learn from it.

I used to think 'our generation' would do better than our parents. I know plenty of happily married couples that seem to be doing their best to make it work. When we say 'I do', we are promising to stick it out through anything. Sounds simple, but promising to be with each other when you have no clue what hardships you may face in the future, isn't for sissies. Selfishness and immaturity are great ways to screw up a marriage. Certainly, some people marry the wrong person and aren't meant to last. I'm talking more about the people who get stuck always thinking the grass is greener somewhere else. Focusing on what we DO have and what IS good will only make things better.

When Eric and I got married, I never thought we would live in Houston. I had no idea what recruiting entailed or how hard it is raising babies away from my family. I put all my faith on the fact that I was marrying the right man, and whatever we faced, we would manage it together. After only 2 ½ years of marriage, we've faced quite a bit, and only God knows what else is yet to be thrown our way. I rely on the fact that the hard times don't last forever and sticking it out through a hard day, or a hard year, is worth it. Couples that celebrate their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary, don't do so looking back on nothing but a fairytale. When Eric and I clink our champagne glasses on April 10th of any year, I will smile, laugh, and shed a tear. It's tough, but it's beautiful. And we earned it!

1 comment:

  1. What about January 15th? Will you just celebrate April 10th?
