
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Brady's 1 Year Appointment

I wanted to blog after Brady's 1 year check up on the 16th, but I decided to wait until I had more information. The visit didn't go exactly as we would've liked, but what ever does?! I knew going in that Brady was probably a little thin. He's been thin-er since about 7 months, but after being sick the week of his birthday (diarrhea, vomiting, and LOW appetite), I was pretty sure he lost at least a pound. That's a lot for a baby! The nurse weighed Brady in at 20 lbs 10 oz. Only up 4 oz since he was 9 months. Even knowing he had been sick, that shocked me. For being 32.5 in long, he's pretty skinny. Babies generally triple their birth weight by 1 year. Brady was 8 lbs 5 oz at birth so he would need to be almost 25 lbs. Dr. Haney told us that based on Brady's growth his first year (using his weight at each appointment), he should be at least 23 lbs. I explained his being sick and picky eating habits. We go back August 16 to check on his weight gain. Brady has been drinking plenty of whole milk, and has had a stronger appetite lately, so I'm very hopeful he will catch up!

Now to the walking. He's not. Brady crawled later so I knew he'd walk later too. But he is 3 days shy of 13 months, and just now showing interest in really standing and moving around. At the time of his appointment, he wasn't doing that though. I told her all this, and this coupled with his low weight, concerned her. She said he is strong physically, but we needed to get him more interested now, so he wasn't late to walk (older than 15 months). She gave us a referral to Early Childhood Intervention, which is an organization run through the school district. They will come to our house to evaluate and work with him (It's been a slow process but we should have an appointment next week). 

When Dr. Haney said this, I felt like crying. It was hard to hear, to say the least. Eric and I have talked about it a lot since and are actually excited about it now. We know there is nothing “wrong” with Brady. He is smart and strong and develops every day. He just needs a stronger push than most babies and I need help with how to do it. I can tell he thinks about trying something new physically (like crawling, pulling up, walking) and it will take him a while to decide to actually do it. I can't complain about that really. Maybe he will always be so careful and I'll never have to worry about him getting hurt?! ;) My mom said I was the exact same way as a baby. And guess what? I'm not a retard! :) Sorry to put it so bluntly, but sometimes I think people need the reminder. 

Moms put so much pressure on babies to be 'advanced' these days and expect other moms to be perfect. I mentioned Brady being later to do things to a mommy friend in my meetup group, and she told me her oldest son was the same way. Crawled at 10 months, walked at 15. I'd be willing to bet she wouldn't have told me that first, if I hadn't brought up Brady being that way. So many people think every baby walks at 9 months because that's what they hear. Then think it's so strange to hear of a baby not doing that. But think about it. Moms aren't running to facebook to announce “My baby is NOT walking yet!” Every mom is proud of their baby and should be! I'm just saying don't judge. We each have different babies and different experiences. I'm glad I get to share the hoops Brady makes me jump through :) Every baby gives their parents different challenges. If I find myself getting jealous of other babies moving so fast, I remind myself what a quiet, easy going newborn Brady was. Few parents get that! I will be elated when he walks, but for now I enjoy my little booger reaching his arms up for me to get him when he's stuck :)

Brady has 2 molars that just broke through for a total of 8 teeth!! He's all about kisses these days and we are LOVING it! He's really such a sweet, happy boy. 3 days after his doctor's appointment, he pulled himself all the way up on the coffee table and walked around it holding on. HUGE for him. It's like he could hear us talking about him and finally said, “Oh alright, I guess I'll do it.” :) 

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute. I love the lips. I agree that you only hear about the kids that walk early. It shouldn't be shameful or something to be embarrassed by. I'm glad you are proud of him because he is fantastic. I can't wait to see him in September!
