
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

5 Months

My big boy is 5 months old today! My oh my how time flies. Mothers that say “Oh my God, I can’t believe my baby is so big” use to annoy me. Now I’m one of them! And Brady is big! 28 inches and almost 18 lbs. We won’t be in 9 month sleepers much longer either. We have an insane amount of clothes that no longer fit in bins in his closet. I hope I have at least one more boy so I can reuse my favorites. I feel like he wears something a few times and before I know it, it’s too small! If we do have girls, a lot of the pieces will work if I mix in some pink. But enough talk about more babies… Not ready for that just yet!

We had our Marine Corps Ball on November 19. It was a lot of fun! We really needed a night to get dressed up (ok, more me than Eric) go out and have let loose. The Ball was at a very nice resort in Montgomery. Too bad that’s an hour and a half from Katy! It was worth it though. We had a great time drinking, dancing, and carrying on with our friends. It’s always an emotional night as well. The video tribute for the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 and to Pearl Harbor is very touching. Eric always gets choked up and then I’m right after. It brings back memories of his deployment and homecoming. And how far we’ve come since. This was our 3rd Ball together (would’ve been 4th but we didn’t have one after Afghanistan) It’s a little different now.. Married with Brady :) I was really disappointed that none of the other wives from Katy/Memorial City were there. I’ve been here for 6 months and still haven’t met any of them. I need to do something about this, just not sure where to start. My friend Lauren has some great friendships with her Conroe wives. Katy needs to get it together.

We decided to cancel our family pictures. We just couldn’t get them rescheduled with the weather and Eric’s insane work hours. So, we will do them in January or February. I am happy about this.. since I WILL HAVE LOST ALL THE WEIGHT by then! If you type it in all caps, it will be ;) I am very close though. 14 more pounds!!!!!

I did however make my first Etsy purchase. A little Santa suit for my baby boy. So excited! It’s already shipped and I can’t wait to try it on him. Santa Brady will be on our Christmas cards this year. Maybe our Ball picture too. We will see.

Major Crisis this week – His swing broke! There were a lot of tears shed that day. By me and Brady! But, I think his naps in the swing may have been a little too long during the day because now that it’s gone, he sleeps much better at night. Blessing in disguise!

Brady is doing really well. He’s on track for everything a 5 month old should be eating and doing. He is still sucking his thumb. Call me crazy, but I think it’s adorable. He bites it and his other fingers as well. His doctor said it’s fine though. She said there is no difference between that and a paci. Unless he was 5 years old doing it, not 5 months! Obviously, a paci would be easier to take away someday. But the benefit to the thumb.. It’s always right there when he needs it. He can’t lose it like a paci. He put himself to sleep 2 nights ago and now if he wakes up, I hear him talk a little then suck his thumb and go right back to sleep. Very nice! Scout helps too. An adorable stuffed puppy that sings 10 min of bedtime music :) Thanks for that suggestion Lauren.

He gets baby food for lunch every day. Squash is definitely his favorite. We tried pears yesterday and those are a hit as well. We’re working on Peas. He ate half of a container today and then a whole thing of carrots. That made for an interesting poo let me tell ya. The joys of cloth diapering :) Speaking of which, my friend Alex received 15 bum genius diapers from a friend (someone that bought them and never used them) and she has graciously decided to give them to Brady. I am beyond thrilled! This means laundry every 3 days, maybe?? THANK YOU ALEXANDRA!

Alex and her husband Joe took their handsome little man Frankie home today. After 10 weeks in the NICU at Children’s in St. Louis, they are so happy! I truly cannot imagine just bringing Brady home at 2 months old. That little boy has been through so much (and still has a very long road ahead). He’s got more love and prayers surrounding him than he knows and will do great. I’m sure of it! I got the sweetest picture of my beautiful friend taking her boy home. And in time for Christmas! He’s a true miracle.

1 comment:

  1. I love Brady's santa suit!! :) I see why you are anxious to get pictures! Glad that Scout is working well! It is seriously the best thing to get Connor to sleep. Love me some Scout! haha. And Frankie is sooo adorable! I still pray for Alex, her husband, and Frankie. All the best to them! Love you Kell, see you Tuesday!!
