
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Levi's Birth

I totally meant to post before Levi was born.. but honestly, the last few weeks really got away from me. We scheduled my induction, had Thanksgiving, that weekend we prepared, and then BOOM – on Monday he was here! That's how it seemed anyways.

I was induced 2 days before my due date with Brady and really liked it that way. People have plenty of fears and negative things to say about inductions, but mine went pretty well. I feel that if you are showing signs of being pretty close to labor, you're full term, and your doctor gives the ok, then why not? It was really nice to plan it out and spend all of my labor in the hospital. I'm not interested in hours of labor at home. Thank.you.very.much.

We checked into Christus (we decided to go with the hospital where Brady was born) at 5 am Monday, December 2 and the pitocin was flowing by 6:15. I had a wonderful nurse taking care of me. She upped the pitocin every 15 minutes. By 9 am I was 4 cm and completely effaced. Levi's head still hadn't dropped completely. Dr. Doan came to check on me and said to get the epidural before lunch because that's when she would break my water. After that, the labor would go quickly. I set a goal to make it to 11 and then get the epidural. By 10, the contractions were really getting more intense. Eric was asleep on the couch. Lol But, it's for the best. For some reason, I cannot stand to hear ANYONE speak during a contraction. I reminded him of that before going into the hospital, so I'm sure he thought, “Great, I'll take a nap.” haha I prefer to lay in my bed, silent, with my eyes closed. I don't want anyone bothering me and I don't want to look like a wimp.

I made it until 10:45 and asked for the anesthesiologist to come on down. I was disappointed that I asked early (until later, when I realized how quickly things were moving). The nurse checked me right before I got the epidural and I was 5 cm dilated and she was pretty sure my water had broken on its own (It had). Less than 45 minutes after receiving the epidural, I was laying on my back and about to fall asleep. A different nurse came in my room and quickly said, “Hi, I'm Diane. Your nurse is stuck in another room, she needs me to check you..” she did, and then started sounding off orders on her phone. “Call Dr. Doan now for deliver.” What!? Levi was in position and ready to go! She asked if I could feel the pressure. I said, “No, I was about to fall asleep!” She rolled me onto my side, and holy mother of labor! I could feel that he was certainly ready and I had the strongest urge to push. I held my legs tightly together and prayed he would wait for the doctor to get there!

From that point, everything went SO FAST. I'm still in shock when I think about it. Those nurses are incredible and move so quickly. By noon I was pushing. I was so nervous, but gave it everything I had. My entire pregnancy, I knew how important it was to stay in good shape so I could have a better delivery. I didn't want an episiotomy (which Dr. Doan doesn't do anyway), I didn't want suction used on him, and I didn't want to be a pathetic mess while recovering either. I had that the first time around and I wasn't going down without a serious fight this time.

Dr. Doan very seriously said, “He has a big head...” Lol. Awesome. I knew he was going to be big. Another incentive to keep myself healthy.. I pushed hard, and I could feel a big difference this time around. Levi was born at 12:21 at 21 ¼ inches and 8 lbs 15.5 oz. Twenty minutes of pushing!! A nine pound baby! All by myself! I was proud. Dr. Doan put him on my chest right away (where he stayed for almost 2 hours!) and everyone kept saying how big he was. But he looked small to me :) Eric sobbed, just like he did with Brady. And I just kissed him and stared at him. He struggled with breast feeding the whole time he was on my chest. I was really scared that getting off to a rough start (again) would keep us from being successful, but he had a great latch by the next day.

I had a small tear and hemorrhoids, but they healed very quickly. Eric and I were both amazed at how I was moving around and just doing so well, so fast. Each day after Brady I got worse :( But you live and learn! Tuesday night was a rough one. Levi was awake the whole time and crying a lot. Eric really didn't understand the whole waiting for the milk to come in thing. He told me to just give Levi a bottle. Then one of Levi's nurses said, “we may have to give him formula if he doesn't eat more often.” and “we may have to give him formula if his blood sugar isn't high enough” I had to remind myself that Eric had not been doing all the research on breast feeding that I had, and the nurse was just letting me know what was going on. Eric got on board and I stuck to my guns. Levi will be 3 weeks old and he hasn't had any formula. For us, this is huge! Brady had formula the day he was born. So every single day we make it exclusively breast feeding is a big deal to us. If my baby needs formula, I have no problem giving it to him. But only if it's truly needed!

Brady did really well meeting his brother. He came into our room and handed me a teddy bear and said “It's for baby!” He gave Levi kisses and then went back to playing with his cars. Since we got home, I noticed that Brady just really keeps his distance from Levi. And me when I'm holding Levi :( Which is a lot. Brady talks about the baby, asks for the baby, and smiles at him. He even says “Peek a boo!” to Levi. But he doesn't want to touch him or get close. This broke my heart at first, but I kind of get it now. The baby is new and Brady is getting used to him. I've been making sure I spend plenty of time with Brady and hold him when I can.

Don't be fooled. Just because Eric can't breastfeed, doesn't mean he isn't helping out a TON and feeling the newborn exhaustion just as much as I am. He gets up, changes Levi's diaper, and brings him to me in bed to nurse. Then takes him back to bed. He's on paci duty a lot at night too. Plus, he's had to take care of Brady when we tag team the boys :) Short of carrying, delivering, and breast feeding, Eric does it all :)

Levi will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. He's already had 3 doctor appointments! All for weight checks. As of Friday, he was back up to birth weight and off the hook until 6 weeks. Thank goodness! It's too much work getting to the doctor to have to go that often!

We had newborn pictures done and I scrambled to get out Christmas cards and birth announcements. I'm really looking forward to Christmas. Brady is at such a great age for it. He is totally obsessed with all the presents under the tree. He grabs each one and says, “It's for Brady?” Haha. Yes, most of them are! He loves the lights and the tree too. He drags anyone he can out the front door to go see our lights and I've had a tough time keeping him away from my cozy coupe ornament. I am determined to make it to church for the Christmas Eve service. Wish us luck!

Levi has been the biggest blessing to our family. We are surely still adjusting, but when I look at his sweet little face I just tear up and feel so much love every time. I could burst! Thank you God for his chunky little butt :)

                                                Last pregnant pic! 39 w 4 d
                                                 On our way to the hospital 445 am!
                                                   Levi! Big ole boy

                   Brady laughing his butt off climbing in Levi's carseat

Friday, November 22, 2013

38 weeks!!

Holy smokes! 2 more weeks tops until we meet Levi. I'm getting so EXCITED! My nerves and anxiousness are wearing away, thank goodness! I'm just ready ready ready. I'm excited to see who Levi looks like, how much he weighs, and just to meet the sweet little boy. I'm also ready to sleep in ANY position other than my left side. I wake up after 2 hours and my hip hurts SO BAD! My heartburn has gotten ridiculous. How do people deal with this on a regular basis!? And I'm super excited to get this large baby off of my bladder :) I'm ready to tackle breastfeeding, too!

My appointment went very well. My blood pressure was good, Levi has dropped (not completely, but working on it), I'm 2 cm dilated now and 40% effaced. Getting ready :) I'm having a LOT of pressure in my low belly, back contractions, and insane sciatic nerve pain. 

I'm trying to decide if I want to be induced again or go into labor on my own. Obviously it all depends on my doctor and how Levi's doing. I definitely won't go over due. Thank goodness! I feel like he may come on his own a little before then, and I would kind of like to experience that. BUT, and induction, all planned out, is really nice! We can make sure Eric is off work and home, Brady & Sugar are taken care of... It's tempting. But there's also no guarantee that this induction will go as well as my last.. Other than I love my doctor and trust her. 

Anyways, I go back on Monday. They've got weird hours since Thursday is Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see my progress. After this weekend, we should have everything completely ready. Fingers crossed!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

36 & 37 Weeks

A lot has been going on! I am going to try to keep this one short and sweet though because I have a chance to get a nap :)

At my 35 week appointment, my blood pressure was high. About 142/88 and then 138/86. My doctor had me track my blood pressure at home for about a week and it was low every time. I stress myself out a lot and at that time I was getting ready for Halloween, Eric's birthday, and the Marine Corps ball. It was extra stressful with Eric being on color guard. At 37 weeks it was 132/82 which still is a little high for me, but safe by pregnancy standards so it's all good. Thank God! I have just started to get a tiny bit of swelling in my hands and my nose is looking larger. Nothing unusual for a 9 month pregnant lady.

At 36 weeks, we got an ultrasound. I felt like I hadn't seen Levi in so long! 16 weeks! It was wonderful to see him moving around. The tech said, “He is head down, spine going up your left side, feet in your right ribs.” I said that sounds about right ;) When Levi has hiccups I feel them in my lower left side and I feel his little feet in my right side regularly. He likes to stretch and push me at both ends. Yikes!

She also said that the amniotic fluid looks good and he is still very much a boy. We saw his cute chubby cheek. I can't wait to kiss it! After she was finished, surprised that she hadn't already mentioned it, I asked, “How big is he/will he be?” She said, “I was hoping you wouldn't ask.” Holy S***! Who says that?!?! Lol I laughed so hard. I told her we had an 8 lbs 5 oz baby and wouldn't expect anything smaller than that this time. Of course depending on when I have Levi, she thinks he will be around a 9 pounder! Buckle Up! She thinks he is already at 7 lbs. I've been telling Eric for weeks that I think Levi is and will be bigger than Brady. If Brady is our baseball player, Levi is our football player!

At 37 weeks, I've still gained 41 lbs. I was shocked to have held this weight for 3 weeks! It looks like I may keep my ultimate goal of 45 lbs. So thankful! 40 would've been great, but hey 45 is still a heck of an improvement! I'll take it :) I am 1 cm dilated. I'm also definitely having contractions. Back contractions mostly :( Not excited about that! I didn't have any of that with Brady and it was bad enough. We walked the mall yesterday and I felt like if we kept going I could easily go into labor! Lol Not ready for that just yet. I like to cook my babies for a full 40 weeks. We also found out that Christus (where we had Brady) is still open and fully running. So we may end up having Levi there. It's our choice. I'm leaning towards Christus since it's smaller, less busy, and we had a great experience.

Today, we have been cleaning house and getting some last minute things together for Levi. His hospital bag is packed, but I'm still working on mine. His clothes, blankets, swaddlers, sheets, are all washed and put away. We need to get the car seat out of the attic, put together his swing, and wash bottles and the pump. I really wish was family was close to help. I've been so homesick lately. My Momma and Sarah always know just how to help me with this stuff.

Brady has gone pee pee on the potty! :) This is HUGE! He absolutely hated it around the time he turned 2. Now he's enjoying it. Just trying to get him to go more regularly. I'm guessing it's going to have to wait until after we have Levi and Christmas. I'm too big and tired to tackle it right now.

                                                 36 weeks at the ball :)

                                    37 weeks (in the car because I was in a hurry :)

Friday, October 25, 2013

34 Weeks

Whew! I get so nervous when I say 34 weeks. It won't be long at all until we meet Levi. We are almost completely ready. We had our shower on Sunday. It was perfect weather! All of our closest family and friends in Houston came over. The kids all played really well together. Which means the parents were able to have a good time too :) Karen helped get the food, drinks, decorations, and even helped clean house. THANK YOU! Lauren helped so much by coming early to help set up, bringing food, cake, candy, and balloons. She helped throughout the whole shower and took pictures, all with a baby on her hip! She's an incredible friend :) Eric's Aunt Tonya came all the way from San Antonio. We got lots of beautiful gifts. Afterward, Eric said, “Today couldn't have been more perfect!” He was right!

I would probably have the last few things done already, but I have been SO TIRED. I feel like I'm in the 1st trimester again. I have big ambitions for each day, but with all the breaks I have to take for my back and belly.. I feel like not much gets done. At least not much 'extra' gets done after I take care of Brady, the house, bills, dinner..

Levi is almost 5 lbs and the size of a cantaloupe according to my pregnancy app. Let's face it, he's probably bigger than that since I don't have small boys. I've gained 37 lbs so I'm pretty happy with that. Just a little over where I wanted to be and compared to last time that's a HUGE improvement. I'm sure I gained 50 (at least) by this point with Brady. I'm tempted to ask my doctor to look it up for me, but then again.. better to just look forward. I crave a lot of cereal, Raisin Bran mostly, spicy foods, anything buffalo flavored! I craved sushi and steak in the 2nd trimester, but of course stayed away. I'm really looking forward to a big Thanksgiving meal. I think about it way too much! Haha.

At 31 weeks, I had some spotting. More than I ever experienced with Brady. I called my doctor and she sent us to the ER. Late on a Saturday night of course :/ But we had to go make sure everything was ok and thank God it was! I was not having any contractions. We went home and the bleeding stopped after 24 hours. I had to take it easy the rest of the week. That kind of thing is normally right up my alley! But it was easier said than done. I always have a lot of things I want to get done especially on weekends. With a toddler at home and a husband who works 23754 hours a week, it's hard to relax because that means letting things go. My house hasn't been clean, I'm barely keeping up with laundry, and we've had a lot of cereal for dinner. But I do notice a big difference when I take the time to put my feet up.

I knew this would be a crazy busy time of year. We went to Florida (which was perfect by the way!), had our shower, we're getting ready for Halloween, Eric's birthday, the USMC Ball, then Thanksgiving, Levi's birth, and Christmas. All in the next 2 months!! EEEK! Eric is always SO MUCH HELP to me. He's the most supportive and loving husband and daddy. He's got work, school, and constantly helping me with Brady and stuff around the house. He never complains and he puts up with me! How?!? :) I really couldn't do any thing without him. 

                                           FOOD! & the cutest punch :)

                                           Brady wanted to help open gifts

                                       The boys loved Brady's truck!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

29 Weeks!

There's been a lot going on these last few weeks in the Weisinger house. I'll start with Eric's orders.

April 21, 2014 we are DONE with recruiting and will be moving to Camp Pendleton. I can't say I was shocked at the news. Numb is more like it. It was strange to finally just know! We've been wondering for 2 ½ years really. And very anxious for the last month knowing that orders could come any day. After we told family and friends, and I let go that we are not going back to our house, I started to get excited. I know there is so much to do out there, especially for kids, so it will be a great adventure for our family. Sea World, Disney Land, San Diego Zoo, LegoLand, and those beautiful beaches!

I'm obsessively looking at houses and schools (Brady will at the very least be in Pre K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade out there!) I've got a very specific list of things I want in our next home, so I'm always praying, that when the time comes, we find the perfect place to call home. Base won't allow pit bulls so that option is out. Not that we wanted to live on base anyways. I just don't think it's for us. However, Sugar has never done anything wrong and neither have we as her owners. So don't get me started on the injustice! The cost of living out there is ridiculous, so it would be nice to have the option!

Brady has been doing so well in school. Some days he gets a little upset when I drop him off, but just a little teary and a few hugs, then he's fine. He's always in a GREAT mood when I pick him up. I know he's loving it. Bit of a side note just because it's funny: When we get home, he immediately starts stripping! Shirt is usually first, then shoes. Yesterday, it was shirt and pants, and he played the rest of the day in just a diaper and his shoes. LOL.

I also started attending a women's bible study on Monday mornings. I LOVE IT!!!! We are studying the book of Jonah and how he ran from God's plan for him. And how poorly that turned out! It's a great lesson and coming at a great time for me. I've met several wonderful women there and love the table I sit with.

I had my appointment today, and as usual, Levi is doing very well :) My blood pressure was 118/78 (it's always spot on thank God), we heard his perfect little heartbeat at 144, and my belly measures exactly 29 weeks. The hospital where I delivered Brady and planned on delivering Levi, is closing :( I'm so bummed. I have to switch to a different hospital now, but it's bigger and my doctor really loves it. So we will just have to do a tour and pre-register. But that's really no biggie. I'm just thankful we found out a little early and not last minute!

FLORIDA!!! The first week of October, we will be in Florida again with my family. We contemplated not going this year since I will be rather large and pregnant, plus my bladder issues. BUT, the good outweighs the bad and my doctor gave me the green light. Sarah and her family will be there with my newphew. I've GOT to see him :) I'm so glad we decided to go, even though it's an expense, since we will be on the west coast next year. I think we will skip Florida trips while we are out there. Hopefully my family will make it a California trip for a few years :)
                                                        27 weeks
                                                           and 29 weeks!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nursery Update

I just wanted to add the pictures of Levi's nursery. We've made a lot of progress. I just need a few pillows for the chaise lounge. I was contemplating a rug in there, but I think I'm going to hold off on that. 

Brady is obsessed with playing in Levi's room. He plays cars in there, puts Mr. Bear "nigh nigh" in Levi's crib, and climbs all over the changing table. Poor second baby! First baby gets everything brand new and no one has even touched it until he's born. Second baby gets all hand me downs and everything is 'broken in' by big brother :)

                                 Brady headed to school. He turned around to
                                show me the back all on his own. Daddy's boy!                                                  

Saturday, August 31, 2013

26 weeks

Oh Geez. The closer I get to 30 weeks, the more freaked out I get! I'm super excited to have Levi, but there is still lots to do. This weekend we will finish getting his nursery together. Or at least almost finish! I'm still searching for a chaise lounge to put in there. I am going to try to take it easy this weekend though. Last weekend I TOTALLY over did things and hurt so bad Sunday night. My whole body was achey and it hurt to move. I didn't think we really did that much, but I am pregnant. I just forget sometimes and over book our days and especially weekends! Plus, Eric is taking Algebra right now and needs my help. So we will have to get used to making more time for that. At least for the next 6 weeks until that class is over.

I had my diabetes test this week and it came back normal. Big relief. I really wasn't that worried I would have a problem, but I really fear that long 3.5 hour test! Lots of people have to take it that don't have gestational diabetes. One hour was long enough to walk around, keeping Brady entertained, on no caffeine! Momma needs her morning coffee! Even Brady knows when we pull in a Starbucks parking lot. He yells, “Coffee!!” Which is exactly where we went after my appointment ;) I feel like I should leave a disclaimer: I only drink two small cups each morning and then about 100-120 oz of water the rest of the day. This keeps my bladder happy and keeps me from swelling! I'm very pleased :) I had already reached the point of not being able to wear my wedding rings by probably 24 weeks pregnant with Brady.. Not so good! They still fit perfectly right now.

I've gained 22 lbs now. All I can do is compare my pregnancy to my other pregnancy. Nothing else! And I'm doing WAY better. I walk 4-6 miles on the treadmill each week. I mark it on the calender so I'm accountable. I drink tons of water. I watch my sodium and fat intake. No fast food! Those things are working for me. I compare pics each week to my pregnancy with Brady. BIG difference. Don't try to look for them on facebook.. they're private now ;) For good reason!

Brady and I are getting ready for his Preschool at our church to start on Tuesday. I'm so excited for him! I can't stop thinking about it and reading, ahem, rereading through all the paperwork. We met his teachers yesterday (they're great!) and saw his classroom (adorable!). It's the same room he is in for Sunday school. That helped A LOT! As soon as we walked in, he was down and playing with all the toys and totally comfortable. Ms. Lisa is also his Sunday school teacher! The routine of that will surely help us get used to things. Eric gets to come with us to drop Brady off on Tuesday morning! I'm so glad!

Brady and I are best buds and always together. It will be a huge adjustement for the both of us. They have a schedule they stick to every day and a new curriculum each month. So he will learn a lot, make new friends, and get used to listening to other adults and getting along with other kids when I'm not there. I get anxiety thinking about it, but I know he will be better for it! That's what matters. I don't wanna be a clingy mom! I trust our church and the teachers completely. That's a must!

There's also the bonus that I can now run errands, make doctor appointments, grocery shop, clean, and sleep on Tuesdays and Thursdays by.my.self! I don't remember what that's like!? I plan on making the most of the time before Levi gets here and then of course, I'll have 2 days a week with just Levi. That should help me transition to Mommy of 2 and keep Brady from being resentful that he's all cooped up because of the baby.

I'm planning out Levi's newborn pictures, which is so much fun! I didn't really plan much with Brady, I just let Melissa do her thing. This time, I know we've got to use Eric's cammies and blues. Do a few cute things since it's Christmas time and use Sugar :) It'll be fun for sure!

                                                       25 weeks
                                                      26 weeks
                                          Headed to Preschool Orientation!
                                                   His adorable shirt

Friday, August 9, 2013

23 weeks

Brady and I went to my appointment this morning. Levi is doing very well. He's perfectly healthy, measuring correctly, and has a strong heartbeat. He moves a TON! I'm always feeling jabs and pokes. Sometimes I jump because he loves shocking my bladder! Lol. I don't mind the constant peeing so much, but sometimes my bladder just aches :( But I've been drinking so much water that my bladder is hanging in there!

Other than always worrying about my bladder retention, I also have sciatic nerve pain. I did not experience this at all with Brady. It really surprised me to feel that sharp, pinching pain! I almost fell down it was so shocking and painful. Thankfully, it's been brief and only in the evening and night (so far anyway!) I think I'm carrying Levi A LOT lower than I carried Brady. That's just my theory!

Dr. Doan gave me the go ahead on attending the Marine Corps Ball this year!! :) Wouldn't normally need permission ;) But I will be 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant and the ball is in Galveston. Everything is going very well with this pregnancy and Galveston is only about 1 ½ or 2 hours away. Thank God I found a website with pretty maternity dresses at good prices. I was scared!! Being 6 feet tall and almost 9 months pregnant.. I thought a dress might just be impossible!

I go back on the 27 for my gestational diabetes test. By my next regular appointment, Brady will be in school =) I'm so excited for him! And me :) At today's appointment, Brady thought it was hilarious to take my flip flops off and put them in the magazine rack.. haha. I know it will be tough at first, since we have spent 2 years together all day, every day. But I know he will have a lot of fun, learn a lot, and make some good friends. Everyone that works at our church is so nice and wonderful to the kids. We picked up Brady from the nursery on Wednesday night after church and communion and Brady gave a big ol kissie to the lady who had been holding him. It was late and he was tired. She was so good to him. It's normally very difficult for me to leave Brady. And that's with family! Lol They make me feel great about it at church.

Levi's room is really coming along. We've got the furniture and bedding set up. The glider is in there. So is our deep freeze :/ Oops! Gotta find a new home for that!! Haha. This weekend, my goal is to get some clothes put away, find a new changing pad cover, get a little basket, spray paint the curtain rod, and get a new valance that matches :) Hobby Lobby & Target, here I come :)

                                                    Brady and his Bears :)
                                              Why didn't I move those boxes??

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brady's 2 Year Check Up

Well, we waited for 2 hours to see the doctor. I was NOT happy with that and the fact that no one told me they were running that far behind. I've been going to this office for 2 years though and normally have a much better time and love Brady's doctor. I usually make early morning appointments, but all they had was a 3 pm :/ So, I tried my best to be patient and understanding. Brady did VERY well and behaved himself even without getting a nap yesterday.

Once we finally saw the doctor, I was glad I waited around. Brady didn't need any shots this time and she said he's doing so well with everything. He talks a lot, and speaks very clearly for his age. She said he looks and speaks more like a 3 year old. Which is fantastic, but may be challenging. She said people may think he's older than he is and expect more from him. But she added that because he has such a cool and calm demeanor, it probably won't be much of an issue at all. In school, sometimes the bigger kids don't know how to play with the smaller kids, as in not knowing their own strength and such. I'll keep an eye on him, but he really doesn't have a rough bone in his body... yet ;)

Dr. Haney is no longer concerned about his weight gain issues. He's long and lean, but super healthy. I told her that Brady isn't quite as picky now and eats good amounts of food at each meal. Not as much as I've seem some boys eat, but he's doing great for Brady :) He's 37 inches tall and weighed 26 lbs. That's 96% for height and 14% for weight. Always opposite like that! Not to mention that weight was with his cloth diaper and clothes on..

The doctor also gave me great advice on potty training. I've started with showing Brady that his poo goes in the potty. He goes in his diaper, but we go to the bathroom together to dump it in his potty, then in the big potty. He cried the first time I did it, because I was getting his potty dirty and he doesn't like that. I think he sees the potty as a toy. Lol. We're working on it! He hates getting his diaper changed now, so I also tell him that if he goes poopoo in his potty, I won't have to change him anymore. That's all for this week. Next week, I'm going to try to get him to go on the potty. He'll get a marshmallow for trying. And we'll never make it a punishment or get frustrated with it. I wish he cared when he was dirty, but he seriously couldn't care less. He would run around with poo in his pants all day if I let him. Oh well!

Lately, Brady is obsessed with hand sanitizer. He says, “clean hands”. Pretty awesome! He loves to play outside, eat ice cream, play cars, his "girl" (Sugar), his new Curious George stuffed monkey, books and “stories” as daddy taught him to say, and stickers! He's very outgoing and I love that. I went through a very shy stage as a kid, so I've been fearful Brady may have the same. We ran to the dentist's office yesterday to get some papers filled out for Eric, and Brady was showing this nice man all his cars. Telling him what colors they were. And just going on and on. Today, the Direct TV guy came to set up our new tv and Brady said “HI!” like 10 times and followed him everywhere. Fortunately, Victor didn't mind and let Brady “help” him.

He's a big, healthy, smart boy and we couldn't be any prouder :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Levi Mark Weisinger

Yep. It's a BOY! :) Eric and I are so very happy to have 2 boys! We decide and agree on everything boy so easily. It just feels meant to be. Obviously, we adore Brady, so why not add another car loving, messy little boy to the family?! :)

We bounced around a few boy names, but really settled on Levi a few weeks ago. We've always said the middle name would be Mark (my father's middle name) for our next boy. Dean (Brady's middle name) is Eric's father's middle name. I told Eric last night, “If we have another boy, his middle name will be your middle name, Wayne. Do you like that?” He said, “Yeah, but I'm not sure how I feel about you talking about baby #3?!” LOL. I think Eric is leaning more and more towards being done after 2. But, I say there's no reason to decide on that right now. We have plenty of time ;)

Our appointment went really well. We got to see the baby move A LOT! He was all over the place! The technician called him an Olympic swimmer and a contortionist. She said he was so wiggly and she had to keep chasing him :) We watched him curl up and play with his toes. He wiggled his toes and then reached out and tickled them with his fingers. It was so funny and just cool. After she did all the measuring, she moved to his bottom and we instantly saw BOY. I saw his little legs out and boy parts clearly inbetween! :) Exactly what I saw with Brady. Eric and I both knew before she said anything. We were both stunned. But I know we would've been either way. It was just surreal to finally know.

When Eric got home, he brought in blue balloons and we filled Brady's room with them. We let him in to play with them. That was our way of telling him he's getting a little brother. For now, I don't think he really understands it all. He will say “boy” and he points to my belly and says “baby”. But, I wouldn't say he fully grasps what's coming :)

We have a lot on our to do list now. I'm trying to pace myself, but I can't seem to fight the urge to get it all done now. We've got a crib, and the bedding is ordered. I guess that's pretty good for 20 weeks. Haha. We've got to go through the spare room and get rid of things and turn it into the nursery. I also want to go through each room of this house and get things cleaned out and organized. We will move 5 months after having Levi, so we may as well just do it now! No need to hang on to things we don't need or use. 

Perfect example of how I know Brady is going to be an excellent big brother...

He dropped his "kruck" the other day while playing. He said, "Uh oh! Are you ok?" He picked up the truck, hugged it, patted it on the back, and said "You're ok." Sweetest. Boy. Ever.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

19 Weeks

19 weeks. Whew! It's going by so fast. One week from today, we have the anatomy scan. Most importantly, to make sure our baby is healthy and of course to find out the gender :) Woohoo! With Brady, every day waiting to find out was torture! This time, not so much. I don't know what the difference is, but I'm enjoying it. Those that know me, must think I've gone crazy!

I just knew Brady was a boy. I had several dreams, knew when I saw him on the ultrasounds, and just had that feeling. With this pregnancy, it's been very different. I've had one dream that it's a girl. That's it. I think and plan mostly for girl names and a girl nursery. But I think that's because I'm so indecisive on girl stuff. The boy stuff is so easy for me. Anyways, we'll see! I guess I predict girl, but I wouldn't put money on it ;) I said I wanted a boy this pregnancy, Eric wants a girl. Obviously, we're excited either way. We love our boy and have tons of boy stuff so that would just be easy :)

I can feel the baby moving. It started around 16 or 17 weeks and is strong now. It snuck up on me! I love every little squirm and wiggle :) We're looking at furniture this weekend. I know that I want white furniture no matter what. Once we know the gender, it's really time to get busy. We've got names, bedding, etc all picked for both. I've been a Pinterest addict lately!

I've gained 10 lbs so far and I'm pretty happy with it. Mostly because of my road trip and time in St. Louis. And Brady's 2 birthday parties! But everything I've read says 10-11 lbs is normal at 20 weeks. I have no idea what I gained with Brady at this point, but I know it was more! Haha Just paying attention is helping a lot this time. I walk on my treadmill 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. Once we get a TV in there I'm sure I will do more. Even with Pandora, it's a little boring!

Brady knows there's a baby in my belly. He points to my belly and says with excitement, “baby!” But he's a little confused.. he pointed to Eric's belly and said the same thing. Haha!! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

17 weeks and a Birthday Boy

The last few weeks have flown by! Probably because we spent over 2 weeks away from home. Brady and I drove up to St. Louis on June 9/10 with my Mom. Eric flew up to meet us there a week later. My sister had Matthew Paul Bierman on May 31st. I had to get my hands on that baby :) It was wonderful to spend time with them and I even watched Matthew all night one night by myself so they could sleep. He has acid reflux so they were extra tired and stressed. He's doing great now though. Eric came up and was able to go to his first Cardinals game for a guys night. We had Brady's birthday party. And just lots of family time. It was wonderful.

Is Brady seriously 2!?? Eric and I look at him every day and can hardly believe how big and smart he has gotten. When I remember that he just started walking last November, I am stunned by how much he's changed since then. He certainly doesn't look like a baby anymore. He says about 3 new words every single day. He just picks them up so fast, it's incredible. He says lots of sentences and phrases now instead of just single words. "Here comes Daddy" "Daddy's home" "Where's our girl(sugar)?" "It's all better" And his favorite... "Go outside and play" Love it! He's also picking up a lot of things from books and shows. When we left St. Louis to drive home it was 5 am. He pointed out the window and said, "Look, it's the moon" I've never said that. But I know it's on Bubble Guppies. I'm getting a lot stricter about what's on TV while he's in the room, even if it annoys Aunt Allison ;)

We did a race car birthday for Brady our last day in St. Louis. Brady took a short nap, so he was a little cranky. But he loved his cake, cars, and power wheels :) Eric and I have been dying to give it to him for months now! I can't wait until he gets the hang of it and cruises all around our cul-de-sac and yard.

I really wasn't planning well when I picked our dates to go to St. Louis. I was gone for 16 days and that made me a week late for a baby doctor appointment. I also ended up in the ER with a bladder infection :/ And bladder retention. I assumed I had a uti, but when the antibiotic my doctor called in for me didn't work, they sent me to the ER. I peed to give a urine sample, and then they did a bladder scan. I still had half a liter of urine in my bladder. Not good! Especially since I thought and felt like I had emptied it. I got 2 prescriptions - another antibiotic and one to stop bladder spasms - had to go buy a maternity support band to hopefully help hold my belly off of my bladder, and was told to see a urologist when I got home.

Ever since my gallbladder surgery, I have been very vulnerable to uti and bladder infections. 3 in 6 months! Which makes no sense to me, because I am drinking SO MUCH WATER! No soda, no tea, no nothing else. And I pee constantly, never holding it. I drink cranberry juice so much the taste has actually grown on me! I had a doctor appointment scheduled for today, but had to reschedule for Monday since Dr. Doan had 2 women delivering at the same time and 4 more in labor! Yikes! On Monday, I hope to make sure my infection is gone, figure out what's up with my bladder, and *possibly* find out the sex of the baby. I'm not holding my breath on that last one. She might make me wait 3 more weeks. Which is fine by me. Of course I want to know, but I'm not rushing. Everyone around me sure wants to know though ;)

There are several things we can start doing before we know the sex. One, sell the bed in our spare room and get a smaller bed for that room aka the new nursery. And two, organize and rearrange our room to make space for the treadmill my wonderful Aunt gave us :) I am so happy!! I was doing so great with my walking up until June, and then you know it's Houston so it's hot as hell. Now, I can walk whenever I want! Not dependent on the weather and I can walk during Brady's naps. Woohoo! We're getting a TV for our room for my birthday. Which, don't remind me, I'm going to be 27. That just doesn't sound right?!