
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

36 & 37 Weeks

A lot has been going on! I am going to try to keep this one short and sweet though because I have a chance to get a nap :)

At my 35 week appointment, my blood pressure was high. About 142/88 and then 138/86. My doctor had me track my blood pressure at home for about a week and it was low every time. I stress myself out a lot and at that time I was getting ready for Halloween, Eric's birthday, and the Marine Corps ball. It was extra stressful with Eric being on color guard. At 37 weeks it was 132/82 which still is a little high for me, but safe by pregnancy standards so it's all good. Thank God! I have just started to get a tiny bit of swelling in my hands and my nose is looking larger. Nothing unusual for a 9 month pregnant lady.

At 36 weeks, we got an ultrasound. I felt like I hadn't seen Levi in so long! 16 weeks! It was wonderful to see him moving around. The tech said, “He is head down, spine going up your left side, feet in your right ribs.” I said that sounds about right ;) When Levi has hiccups I feel them in my lower left side and I feel his little feet in my right side regularly. He likes to stretch and push me at both ends. Yikes!

She also said that the amniotic fluid looks good and he is still very much a boy. We saw his cute chubby cheek. I can't wait to kiss it! After she was finished, surprised that she hadn't already mentioned it, I asked, “How big is he/will he be?” She said, “I was hoping you wouldn't ask.” Holy S***! Who says that?!?! Lol I laughed so hard. I told her we had an 8 lbs 5 oz baby and wouldn't expect anything smaller than that this time. Of course depending on when I have Levi, she thinks he will be around a 9 pounder! Buckle Up! She thinks he is already at 7 lbs. I've been telling Eric for weeks that I think Levi is and will be bigger than Brady. If Brady is our baseball player, Levi is our football player!

At 37 weeks, I've still gained 41 lbs. I was shocked to have held this weight for 3 weeks! It looks like I may keep my ultimate goal of 45 lbs. So thankful! 40 would've been great, but hey 45 is still a heck of an improvement! I'll take it :) I am 1 cm dilated. I'm also definitely having contractions. Back contractions mostly :( Not excited about that! I didn't have any of that with Brady and it was bad enough. We walked the mall yesterday and I felt like if we kept going I could easily go into labor! Lol Not ready for that just yet. I like to cook my babies for a full 40 weeks. We also found out that Christus (where we had Brady) is still open and fully running. So we may end up having Levi there. It's our choice. I'm leaning towards Christus since it's smaller, less busy, and we had a great experience.

Today, we have been cleaning house and getting some last minute things together for Levi. His hospital bag is packed, but I'm still working on mine. His clothes, blankets, swaddlers, sheets, are all washed and put away. We need to get the car seat out of the attic, put together his swing, and wash bottles and the pump. I really wish was family was close to help. I've been so homesick lately. My Momma and Sarah always know just how to help me with this stuff.

Brady has gone pee pee on the potty! :) This is HUGE! He absolutely hated it around the time he turned 2. Now he's enjoying it. Just trying to get him to go more regularly. I'm guessing it's going to have to wait until after we have Levi and Christmas. I'm too big and tired to tackle it right now.

                                                 36 weeks at the ball :)

                                    37 weeks (in the car because I was in a hurry :)

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