19 weeks. Whew! It's going by so fast.
One week from today, we have the anatomy scan. Most importantly, to
make sure our baby is healthy and of course to find out the gender :)
Woohoo! With Brady, every day waiting to find out was torture! This
time, not so much. I don't know what the difference is, but I'm
enjoying it. Those that know me, must think I've gone crazy!
I just knew Brady was a boy. I had
several dreams, knew when I saw him on the ultrasounds, and just had
that feeling. With this pregnancy, it's been very different. I've had
one dream that it's a girl. That's it. I think and plan mostly for
girl names and a girl nursery. But I think that's because I'm so
indecisive on girl stuff. The boy stuff is so easy for me. Anyways,
we'll see! I guess I predict girl, but I wouldn't put money on it ;)
I said I wanted a boy this pregnancy, Eric wants a girl. Obviously,
we're excited either way. We love our boy and have tons of boy stuff
so that would just be easy :)
I can feel the baby moving. It started
around 16 or 17 weeks and is strong now. It snuck up on me! I love
every little squirm and wiggle :) We're looking at furniture this
weekend. I know that I want white furniture no matter what. Once we
know the gender, it's really time to get busy. We've got names,
bedding, etc all picked for both. I've been a Pinterest addict
I've gained 10 lbs so far and I'm
pretty happy with it. Mostly because of my road trip and time in St.
Louis. And Brady's 2 birthday parties! But everything I've read says
10-11 lbs is normal at 20 weeks. I have no idea what I gained with
Brady at this point, but I know it was more! Haha Just paying
attention is helping a lot this time. I walk on my treadmill 3 times
a week for at least 30 minutes. Once we get a TV in there I'm sure I
will do more. Even with Pandora, it's a little boring!
Brady knows there's a baby in my belly.
He points to my belly and says with excitement, “baby!” But he's
a little confused.. he pointed to Eric's belly and said the same
thing. Haha!!
You look awesome!! :)