My baby is 8 months! Plus 1 week :) WOW! Eric said he can't believe Brady is growing so fast. And I said, I know and it's only gonna get worse!! LOL I didn't really mean it like that, but seriously he's only gonna get bigger and older. So no use getting sad about it! I'm thankful to have such a healthy, strong, big boy. He's everything I've always prayed for so I'm happy as a Momma can be. He has been throwing some new challenges at me lately, and I guess it just shows these babies are always changing! Just when we've got our routine really down, he's older and bigger and it needs adjustment. Brady only takes three 6 oz bottles a day now. 3 big meals of baby food. And a snack here and there. He drinks water from a sippy cup (or water bottle, messy as all get out but he loves it!) Brady is getting better about what he eats. He's still picky, but he actually prefers my homemade baby food now! WOOHOO! I didn't have time over the weekend to make food, so I'm supplementing what I have left in the freezer with a few pre made baby foods and he doesn't like them! Even though that put me in a bind, I'm so happy! After months of only homemade I think going back to the premade taste really grossed him out. Thank the Lord!
My biggest issue lately is naps. At home, Brady naps PERFECTLY! He doesn't fight them and he takes 2 great long naps (sometimes even taking a third). Out of the house.. totally different story! I had a doctors appointment yesterday and it was the most frustrating 2 hours we've had. Part to do with the front desk getting my appointment all screwed up. After waiting for 30 minutes, I went to the window to ask if I need to fill out some paperwork since it's my first visit. The nurse called me a 'walk in' and said she'd go get my chart. WHAT?!! They got me in, but it still took forever. Brady should've taken a nap at 1 while I was at Target. He refused. And continued to be fussy and fight me for 2 hours at the doctor's office until finally giving in. I thought last night.. Well I can just never leave the house again! I would've just left the doctors and brought him home since I wasn't sick, but my eyes have been killing me and I have to get a referral. Brady used to sleep SO soundly while we were out. In the car, stroller, cart, WHEREVER! Huhh! Not anymore. Only in his crib. My perfect baby is turning into quite the stinker! :) I used to plan things during his nap time so I could do what I needed to do. Now I guess I will wait until Eric can come (yeah right), or someone can stay with him while I go. Or just never leave the house again! ;)
Brady is starting to wear 18 month clothes. What the??? Those things look HUGE to me at the store, but my baby is a big one. Well a long one :) Eric predicts that Brady will be 6'5. I don't know what I think. He is showing more interest in crawling and moving around in general. I think he might be one of those babies that scoots on their belly. That's what he's doing right now and it's hilarious. He just turns like that and wiggles around. He will stay on all fours if I put him there. He's just an easy going laid back baby when it comes to that stuff. Eric called him lazy. I laughed and then said, don't say that again. Every baby is different and I'm actually fine with Brady right where he is. There's no reason to judge these sweet little babies. I catch myself judging other moms and I quickly stop! Unless they are actually harming their child, leave them alone. We all are doing the best we can and need support! I could feel all the eyes and judgment on me in the doctor's office. I wanted to shout “I'M STUCK IN THIS STUPID CITY BECAUSE MY HUSBAND IS A MARINE AND I DON'T HAVE ANY FAMILY HERE!!!!!!” LOL. But then I would've been thrown out.. Do you think a Mom would put herself and her child through this for the hell of it???
Lately, I've been feeling and saying a lot that I just can't do it all. Somethings gotta give. I have to take exceptional care of Brady which comes first, be a loving wife, run this house, take better care of the dogs, we've been trying to care for the lawn and actually grow some grass, I'm still trying to eat right and exercise, make dinners for Eric and lunches for the next day, laundry, dishes, cloth diapers, make baby food, pay the bills. IT NEVER ENDS! Everyone knows that. I'm just trying to get my juggling act down a little better. Which ball do I drop when I'm having a rough day? What's on the back burner this week?? Rotate them through so they all get the attention they need.. sometimes!? Ughh! This just leads to frustration and guilt! And that's when I pray! :) I need the reminder that as long as Brady has everything he needs, Eric and I are good, the rest will fall into place. I can only do so much during nap time and once Brady's in bed for the night. I do my best and that's plenty. When I see Brady's smiling face and get a kiss from my hubby after we've both had long hard days, It's all good :) I love my boys and truly wouldn't change a thing.
Houston landscaping for some reason. Or is it just Katy??
I usually prefer my gardeners show a little crack, but he'll do ;)
Such a good hubs and father. Planting my flowers WITH the monitor on his belt :)
Workin on the decor and gettin our family pics up!
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