Bum Genius 4.0 one size cloth diapers to be exact :) I have a lot of friends that ask about cloth since I have started using them on Brady and a few that have become Bum Genius users themselves. When somone asks how I like them, I go on and on but always forget something. I'm gonna break it down here to make it easier in the future.
First off, I have always been intrigued by cloth. Since before we had Brady and before I was even pregnant. They save money, the environment, and are frankly just better at absorbing than disposable. My friend Virginia worked at Cotton Babies, so at about 13 weeks pregnant I paid her a visit and she showed me all Cotton Babies had for cloth. We both agreed Bum Genius were the best.
The least appealing part of cloth for me was having to buy different sizes (that may be a shock, but I wasn't really worried about the poo! But more on that later :) When I heard “one size”, I was sooooo thrilled! But how does that work? SNAPS! All down the front of the diaper so they adjust sizes. Brady has been in cloth since he was 3 weeks old! He was 8 lbs 5 oz at birth and is now 21 lbs! 21 inches at birth and now about 30 inches! They've always fit. (If they leak, he's ready to be on the next biggest snaps). Cotton Babies says they fit 7 lbs to 37 lbs.

The bum genius are also what's called a “pocket diaper”. This means there's a shell and then some insterts. Each diaper comes with one large instert and one small. The smaller is used for newborns, then the larger one at 3 (ish) months, then both together from about 5-6 months and up. Obviously adjust as some babies pee more than others. I put two large and one small in Brady's bedtime diaper since he sleeps 12-13 hours a night now. You can buy extra insterts seperately. Once Brady gets bigger he may need more insterts during the day, but I think two is good enough for a few hours in one diaper.
The outside of the shell is a waterproof fun color or pattern of your choice, the inside part (the part on the baby's tush) is a suede and the insterts are microfiber. Very soft! I swear people that say cloth will give diaper rash have never seen or used these! Brady is MUCH more likely to have a rash in disposable. When I first started cloth, it was hard to tell if Brady was wet or not because all the pee is inside the diaper on the insterts. NOT against his skin at all! Fantastic!
The Bum Genius come in hook & loop closures (velcroe) and snaps (the same snaps that go down the front to adjust size). I have 30 diapers, half snap, half velcroe. I like them both. I think I would have to choose the snap over the velcroe only because sometimes the velcroe across the front of the diaper will fold or roll and rub Brady's belly leaving a little rash. I just make sure to only put snaps on him at bedtime (since he's in that diaper for 12 hours!) and it's usually fine.
You do have to change all the pieces each diaper change. You don't just take the inserts out and put new ones in as some people have thought. I take the diaper off, take the inserts out, rinse each insert and the shell in the bathroom sink, then place them in a bin to be washed later. (Cotton Babies does sell a diaper sprayer that can be attached to the back of your toilet, I haven't used it myself and am worried about if it will have enough pressure to work well)
Washing.. My biggest mistake with cloth was not using the right detergent. BUY THE BUM GENIUS DETERGENT!! It's worth the money and actually lasts a long time! It will save your diapers. I thought free and clear was all the same. I used Tide on them for probably 2 months (I only had 14 diapers then) and I have a few diapers that prove it. They look like they've been through hell and back! Some of the diapers I got more recently so they were never washed with anything but the best and they look perfect! Put a ½ cup of bleach in with your load of diapers 1 or 2 times per month and they will hold up great! Hang dry the shells, put the insterts in the dryer. Drying the shells in the sun also helps remove stains and will dry them faster (even though they dry really fast either way).
If I had it to do over, I would've waited to start cloth until Brady was at least 2 months old. Maybe even 3 months. Here's why. My baby boy is a pooper! Always has been, probably always will be. EVERY diaper was a poopoo for probably 2 months. (It's embarrasing to say I actually washed Brady's diapers in the kitchen sink :/ for the first few months so I could use the sprayer. It's the most powerful sprayer and it blasted the poo right off. I obviously washed the sink out and rarely cooked when he was that little, but I don't recommend it!) I was a new mom, trying to breast feed, incredibly sleep deprived, AND trying to start cloth at 3 weeks!? I was either crazy or just really excited to use them. Maybe both! Wait until you have the time and energy to really start them right! You won't regret it.
The dreaded poo poo diaper: Newborn poo is yucky no matter what. And you can't say you don't get some on you even with disposables. Brady has puked, pooped, and peed on me and Eric all at the same time! Being a parent is a dirty job no matter what tools you use. Cloth is no different. Cotton Babies sells diaper liners, which I highly recommend. Even if the poo isn't solid yet, they will still help catch some of the mess and the best part is they are FLUSHABLE :) I still use them today even with Brady's solid poos because I think they prevent some staining (from poo and from Desitin which leaves a little white stain on the diaper). Rinse the rest of the mess off in the bathroom sink, toilet, wherever ya gotta do it and then wash them in the washer (the quicker the better, I try not to let any sit more than 2 days).
When you're out of the house, you just have to be brave. I was embarrased at first to wash diapers in the bathroom sink or dunk them in the toilet for a quick rinse. If you want to wait until you get home, wait until you get home. Cotton Babies sells a diaper odor remover that is great! I HATE knowing my diapers are sitting soaked in pee though. So my hate overtook my embarrassement and I just went for it. It's really not a big deal and no one has ever said anything to me about it. If I am in someone else's home that doesn't use cloth, I wait until I get home unless they tell me it's ok. You will need a wet bag – a waterproof bag to store your diapers until you get home. Just don't forget your diapers are in the wet bag :) I have done this many times!
Bum Genius has some great colors and a few patterns to choose from. I personally think the girl choices are a little better than the boys. But the blues and greens and pretty cute too :) I have never seen another cloth diaper that I wanted to buy. Some other brands have cuter patterns, but aren't as well made. My bummies have held up SO well. Even the velcroe which I thought might look crappy after a lot of washes, they still look great. Remember to attach the velcroe before washing so they don't get stuck to each other. And save all the baby pant hangers when you buy your baby clothes. Use them to hang the diapers up to dry.
We use disposable when we travel to make life easier and give us a little 'vacation' from cloth. There's nothing wrong with that! I can honestly say my husband and I both love the cloth and are happy with our choice to use them. Some family members aren't into them, but I rarely leave Brady with anyone anyways. They may be iffy at first, but push them to at least TRY! Most of Brady's diapers will last to use on the next baby too! I will go through and toss some of the more beat up ones and get a few new when the time comes. We have already saved a lot and it will be thousands once it's all said and done.