
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Blog!

Well, where do I begin? Brady is already 4 months old, so this feels a little late. I have a pregnancy journal/scrap book completely filled out and plan to scrapbook all Brady's photos and firsts with my Mom. But, I'm not doing a baby book so I want to put all the updates and information on how Brady is doing on a regular basis on here to share and have fun looking back.

At Brady's 4 month appointment he was 15 lbs 13 oz and 26 in long. At birth he was 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 in long. From birth to 2 months he grew 4 inches! And from 2 months to 4 months.. only 1 inch. I'm glad because this means he is finally getting some chunk on his bones. The first time I gave him a bath and had to worry about getting in all his little creases (the ones on his wrists are my favorite), I was totally thrown. But I love it! I have no problem admitting that his chubby cheeks and in general "rounded features" make him look more like me. Hearing that he looks like me feels so great. Most people see big blue eyes and no hair.. and immediately think “Eric”.

He got 2 shots and one vaccine by mouth. The liquid made him throw up and the shots affected him much worse this time. It took almost 3 days for him to act like himself again. He was smiles but not all smiles like usual. I have a very happy baby and when he's sad, I'm sad. He slept it off though and his dimples are back full time :) Brady is taking 32-40 oz of formula in a 24 hour period. (Breastfeeding stopped at 7 weeks. That didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. But cloth diapering is going very well!) His doctor (who I really love by the way) said he should take 30-35 oz. Soooo, I think he’s good. A little more, a little less, some days is fine by me. We started rice cereal a few weeks ago, but he wasn’t really ready then. He is doing much better now with the rice and oatmeal which I just added this week. It’s still pretty messy but much more ends up in his mouth and stays there. And it’s fun! Dr. Haney said we can start solids next month starting with orange veggies. I plan to make most of his baby food.

Brady is wearing 9 month sleepers. These have to go his whole length.. so he outgrows them quickly! 6 month everything else still fits. I buy big now so he can grow into things. It's much easier to roll up pants and sleeves then to replace his whole wardrobe every month. I'm not going to tell you what size I'm wearing. I've lost 42 lbs since having Brady. I need to enjoy this and be happier about it. I stress so much about the 16 lbs I still have to lose. But I do try to remind myself, it took 9 months to gain it.. Brady just really had a taste for cheeseburgers :) I am counting my calories and walking 3-4 miles a few times a week. My goal is to go a lot more often and with my 16 lb weight! I walked yesterday with Brady in his Moby wrap (strapped to me basically) and we both really loved it. The cooler weather is finally coming our way so this should help too.

We celebrated Eric’s birthday on Saturday. Taste of Texas is *the best* restaurant ever! If you get the chance, go! Get the 6 oz center cut steak oscar (with crab meat on top). There was also some amazing sauce on top, however I cannot pronounce it and certainly won’t attempt to spell it. It was extraordinary, but everything on the menu is! Eric’s parents baby sat and it went very well. That was the first time I’ve left Brady except with Eric for 3 hours and my mom for 1 hour. We were gone for about 5 hours. It was strange but good for us.

Brady is fabulous at holding up his head, and has been for some time now. I've been putting him in his Jumparoo and he is finally getting the hang of it. I have to put weights behind his butt to help hold him down to touch the floor. I just have to remember to take them out before I try to get him out! If I forget.. well it's interesting. But he's tougher than he looks. We got a walker from his *great* Great Aunt KP. I can't wait to put him in it! Having so much tile in this house will finally pay off. (Until he starts really walking) One day when Eric gets off early enough (don't hold your breath) I will have him put it together. I've thought about doing it myself.. but I always find a way to talk myself out of it :) 

We are also working on sitting up and crawling. He has no interest in rolling over and looks at me like I have 2 heads if I try to show him how. Brady is a great ‘supported sitter’. Mommy has a fear of letting him fall over. I’m working on it. How else will he learn to catch himself? My good friend Lauren suggested sitting him up with the boppy on the floor. Sounds like a good idea to me. I will just put pillows all around him :)
Tummy time is going much better lately. He holds his head straight up and usually puts weight on his hands and arms. He kicks those little legs like he’s really got somewhere to go. Then, he gets pretty frustrated that he’s not moving. I hold him up into a crawling position to show him how it’s done, but I’m sure it’ll be a while.

I'm really looking forward to the holidays and I know that will bring lots of updates. My Dad is coming to visit in 10 days. I really look forward to family visits and my trips home. They are good for my soul and I feel so rejuvenated after. Like I can handle Houston for a little while longer ;) Although, it's not really Houston giving me a hard time (I am really sick of the Astros though and it's hot as hell!), it's recruiting duty chapping my ass. Eric works 15 hour days, a minimum of 5 days a week, but usually has something on Saturdays and even Sundays. I would ALMOST take a deployment over this, but then I'd be super stressed about his safety on top of everything else. I thought recently, "Is it possible for the best years of your life to also be the hardest?" Best being happily married and watching our first baby grow and hardest being on recruiting duty far far from my friends and most family. Well, then the answer is yes! But God has us here for a reason. And we are only just getting started!
                                                                 Looking like Mommy <3

                                                                       4 month stud!
                                                         Before lunch for Eric's birthday
                                                                The face I live for

                                                                   Mommy's dinosaur
                                                                   I love my boys!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog. very honest and funny! keep the posts coming <3
