
Eric & I were married on January 15, 2010. And then again on April 10, 2010. If you know the military, there's no need to explain :) We had a small, perfect wedding in Myrtle Beach.
The Marine Corps moved us to Houston, TX for recruiting duty and we had our first baby, Brady in June, 2011. And our second son, Levi in December, 2013. We wrapped up in Houston, and have recently moved back to North Carolina. This blog is to share with our family and friends, and for me to look back on when I want to revisit the memories.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sugar coating only makes you fatter.

Today, I went to lunch with a group of stay at home mommies from around Katy. We met at a place called All Star Family Grill (a cute little restaurant with playgrounds and arcade games). I found the group on meetup.com, which is a fabulous place. My friend Virginia told me about it while we were in St. Louis over Christmas. You can find a group for lots of different things in your area. This one is for stay at home moms with little babies who need to get out and socialize. I've seen some for scrapbooking, working out, the list goes on. Obviously, you have to be careful because it's the Internet and there are creeps everywhere. But this group is legit and JUST what I needed :) Most of the babies are VERY close in age to Brady. Just weeks apart. All the moms are very nice and friendly. And we all live near each other. I am planning to go once a week. There's a trip to the zoo coming up, a swim lesson for the babies, and a Valentine's Day cookie exchange :) Very exciting!

In other news, this has been a very tough week for Eric and me. I don't think he has seen Brady awake all week, except this morning when we took him to work at 4:30 am. (I came home after the meetup and looked for trucks online) Pff.. But we will be waiting on that! Eric's been getting home at 9 or 10 all week. This is rough on all 3 of us. Getting out with this group will help because Brady and I won't be as dependent on Eric for help and attention. But sheesh, I really hate weeks like this! I guess sometimes you're the bug. And sometimes you're the windshield.

We are working together to be understanding and helpful to each other. I make sure he has everything he needs for work, and take care of as much as I can during the day so we can just enjoy our time together. We also have to prioritize. The Christmas lights didn't come down until allllmost February, but if that means we get to take Brady to the park. So be it!

We are looking forward to family portraits next Saturday the 4th. I've picked out and ordered what we are each wearing. I just pray it gets here in time! It will be close! I am still fat, but working on it LOL It's true and I love being blunt about it. Sugar coating only makes you fatter. In soooo many ways. BUT, I have officially lost 50 lbs since having Brady. That's a hard number to think, say, and definitely to type! But I'm proud of how far I've come, while looking forward to losing more. I want to be in shape and comfortable by spring and summer so we can get out and be active without embarrassment :)

As for Brady boo.. He has been a little down lately, due to a TOOTH coming in! He doesn't cry or scream, but he just seems sad. Breaks my heart! But I can see (when he will actually move his tongue!) and feel it really well. Boy are those things sharp! Of course he wants to chomp down as soon as I put my finger in there. No pictures this post, because my camera is dead. But it's charging and I will make up for it next time!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Puppy Love

Rotten! That's how our dogs have been lately. Cowboy is always into something and we feel like his name will probably be Brady's first word because we are constantly yelling it. This isn't completely out of the norm because he has just been a handful since the day I brought him home. However, Sugar's behavior lately has been shocking. She wasn't listening/obeying, stuck her head in my bowl of salad, and was picking on Cowboy when he was actually being good. This is WAY out of the ordinary for her. Eric got really frustrated and I realized.. we suck as dog owners lately. Sugar and Cowboy have been so good and patient since we had Brady. They have been moved to the back burner.. because obviously Brady comes first. But they handled it better than I could've hoped. I think they're trying to tell us.. Ok, he's almost 7 months now. We've given you long enough. Treat us like babies again! I feel like there is always so much to worry about and take care of, I think I'm doing a good job but no one is perfect. I needed the reminder. 

We've been taking them on walks, giving them more baths, new collars, new toys, and more attention and play time. SUCH a difference! They are super sweet pups, love Brady, and I'm so thankful we have them. I feel safer having dogs and they are the best companions. Cowboy always sits on Sugar and she takes all his abuse with a little sigh and eye roll. And who would guess that sweet baby girl is a pit bull. Ooooo shutter ;) Sugar is sweet as pie, but knows how to protects us and our home. My perfect dog. Cowboys not so bad either, all he cares about is food anyway!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2nd Anniversary

Tomorrow, Eric and I have been *legally* married for 2 years. I feel a lot of different emotions about this, but mostly I'm proud of us. We've come a long way in a short amount of time and we are still very much in love. I've been going through old pictures and reminiscing. Sheesh, do we look a lot different! It brings back so many memories of real happiness and all the planning for our future together. We were 21 and 22 when we met and we didn't meet under the most ideal circumstances (uhh we were both with other people is the short explanation) Then he left for what we thought would be a year long deployment to Afghanistan after only 5 months of dating. But what we've had, from the very beginning, is a great amount of trust in each other. That has gotten us through the toughest times.

Eric has come through on every promise he has ever made to me. He's faithful, loving, honest, hard working, and supports me in every way. And I don't really know if anyone else could put up with my bossiness! He knows how to handle me though :) I know I'm far from perfect, but I give a lot to this man too. For starters, giving up my life in St. Louis to follow his behind around the country. I love our life in the Marine Corps, but I do miss my family and friends something terrible. Every dream we've had together has come true. We got married, twice :) bought a home, had our son, moved a few times.. His whole deployment to Afghanistan we wrote each other our dreams and plans. Once we'd talked about it all we just said.. Ok come home already, so we can get this show on the road!
And we certainly have! Now, we wanna slow down a bit and enjoy every minute together. I'm not the biggest Taylor Swift fan, but she says it perfectly
"The stakes are high, the waters rough, but this love is Ours"
                                          Our first ball, Our first date <3
                                         The night he left for Afghanistan
                                             6 months later..

                The only picture I have from the day we went to the courthouse
                                             The house we bought in NC
                                                      April 10, 2010

                                                  Brady boo on the way :)
                                                 Brady Weisinger 6-30-11

Monday, January 9, 2012

We have a sitter!!

 Well, for about 20-30 seconds at most and then he falls to the side. But it's progress! My little monster does things on his own time and on his terms. So I've been patiently waiting (or trying anyways) for him to really sit up well on his own. His doctor said he should sit up by 6 months, but a lot of books and things I read are more relaxed then that. Either way he's 6 months and 10 days so I'm happy!! He's sitting up much better in his highchair, cart, etc too :) This has been the only development (so far) that I was REALLY excited to get to. I feel like he will be so much stronger and safer because of it. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas & a Thinner 2012 :)

Christmas 2011 was everything I could have hoped for and more. Brady had the best first Christmas in St. Louis. It even snowed!! We got into town on Monday around noon and stayed for 10 days. We spent most of that time with family. Lots of Yahtzee was played, we made cookies, watched movies, ate way too much good food, went to look at Christmas lights, played more scratchers than I can count, and went to church. Brady got to see Santa on Christmas Eve! 

We spent one night at my Dad’s house and got to hang out with his girlfriend Becky. We love her! And it’s nice to see him so happy. The rest of the time we stayed at my Mom's and people came to see us. That was nice!  The last 2 days there we saw friends. Virginia, Sarah, and Alex. 10 days was really great, but I wish I could’ve seen more friends. Christmas is always so busy though. It was nice to see my family playing and interacting with Brady. We could tell they love and miss him like crazy.
Brady did great on the plane! I’m very thankful Eric was with us, because unlike our last flight, Brady was awake the whole time! He was perfect, but a lot of work. Southwest doesn’t let us preboard either. :/  We did get to go through the first class security in Houston, but not St. Louis. Eric had to go through the body scan and get fully frisked, but he didn’t mind :0 Whatever keeps us safe on planes, I’m for it!
Brady got so many great gifts. Toys, walker, clothes, more diapers, the baby bullet, books, convertible car seat, and a really neat turtle that lights up and puts stars on his ceiling at night. I think I love it more than he does right now, but he will grow into I’m sure :)

NYE was spent at our house with some great friends. They brought their baby boy Connor and puppy Lily. Once the boys were asleep we set off fireworks and had some grownup fun :) It was much needed. After our trip to St. Louis and NYE I feel so recharged. I’m really motivated with our New Years resolutions. We’ve set quite a few! But they are things we have been planning to do for a while now. Swear less, save more, get organized, lose the rest of my baby weight, and find my place here in Katy. That’s going to mean more church, finding some classes for me and Brady (mommy and me and aqua tots… aqua tots after I lose the baby weight ;), volunteering, etc. I can’t complain about not having friends and family here. I’ve just got to do something about it. I think I’m the only Marine wife left in the Katy area. We still have over 2 years here though, so hopefully some will come along in that time. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2012.

Brady loves bath time, when I read books to him, when I play bite his sides, any silly noise we can make, and anything his Daddy does. He's also really paying attention to the dogs. He smiles and laughs whenever he sees Cowboy. I love it. Anyways, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous since we’ve been back. So, after naptime we are packin it up and headed out for a walk. Enjoy some videos from St. Louis! :)